Герберт Моралес выступит на фестивале JetLAG 2019 - UTOPIA, который проходит в Катскилльских горах штата Нью-Йорк!

Everyone knows the word Utopia. We use it as a stand-in for all sorts of unrealistic fantasies. From Plato's State to World Communism, to our own naive daydreams and wishful thinking, all of it is Utopia.

The Ancient Greek meaning of "ou-topia" is “non-place", or a non-existing place. But linguists consider that it also could have been "eu-topia", or "a good place", which is a proper metaphor for the bright future.

Meanwhile, initially Utopia was the name for an island. A mythic island of peaceful, just, and joyous life, invented by Thomas Moore, a renowned philosopher who greatly anticipated a better world.

An island that has everything. But why an island? Because it is a separate reality, an autonomous zone, an immediately better world.

Utopia is the best teacher. From it, we learn to strive for the impossible and to make it happen.
